Easy to Use & Operate
Designed with the modern machine shop in mind, the Shop System is built to fit seamlessly into your workflow. Produce parts with superior surface finish and resolution versus laser-based systems at a fraction of the cost.

Affordable Turnkey Solution
The Shop System contains all pieces of equipment your machine shop needs to begin binder jetting — from print through sintering. And with a range of build volume configurations (4L, 8L, 12L, and 16L), the Shop System is designed to scale to your shop’s throughput.

Superior Print Quality
Print customer-ready, high-resolution parts with incredibly fine feature detail. Achieve surface finishes as low as 4µm Ra out of the furnace, and <0.1µm Ra with mass finishing. The Shop System produces fully dense, solid parts, no debind or infill required.

Optimized Powders & Parameters
Get started quickly with a turnkey, end-to-end solution. Shop System features Desktop Metal engineered powders and processing parameters, optimized to deliver exceptional part quality, and ensure part-to-part repeatability.

Simplified Post-processing
Parts on the Shop System print fully supported in their powder bed, and feature hand-removable sintering setters. Avoid hours of labor machining off support structures typical to laser-based systems and instead achieve customer-ready, near-net-shape parts right out of the furnace.